At the end of this past summer JFS began seeing a wave of Haitians arriving to this area. The majority of those arriving are in dire need of housing and other forms of socio-economic and legal support. Many are already facing deportation.

In September, JFS was fortunate enough to find and hire Marie Ange Laroche as a full time case manager. Among her many responsibilities, Marie Ange helps these clients to secure the services that they are eligible for, such as healthcare, housing, food assistance and legal consultation. Her initial case load began with 17 families and has now grown to more than 150 people. This month we hired an additional case manager, Jean Rejouis, to help address the increasing need.

Photo caption: Marie Ange Laroche, JFS Haitian immigrant and case manager spoke at an outdoor rally for immigration justice at the Connecticut River Greenway State Park on Damon Road in Northampton on Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022.