
(selected stories)

Shelter State of Emergency – Community Asks:

Shelter State of Emergency – Community Asks:

We reached out last winter asking for your support to provide temporary housing options for clients awaiting emergency sheltering access. You responded in the fullest reflection of our values, with a deep sense of human dignity and compassion. More than 30 families in...

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New ESL Class Launched in Partnership with AIC

New ESL Class Launched in Partnership with AIC

JFS is thrilled to announce a new partnership with American International College. AIC has generously donated classroom space for the JFS Learning Program to use twice a week.  This month, we launched a new ESL class to accommodate the growing number of...

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VITA Program Helped JFS Clients File their Taxes!

VITA Program Helped JFS Clients File their Taxes!

We were thrilled to welcome back the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program this year. VITA is a program established by the IRS, run by volunteers to file taxes at no cost for underprivileged communities. This year, three experienced volunteers helped over 150...

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