An ambitious group of six volunteers, spearheaded by Sarah Fuller, joined together over a year ago, and took it upon themselves to collect pots and pans, flatware, and other kitchen necessities to outfit apartments for newly arriving refugees. The group attends tag sales, seeks out free give away items, and conducts weekly visits to local thrift shops to source the many items needed to create a functional kitchen. They then store the items in Ellen Tobiassen’s garage and meet to box up items to deliver to JFS. The group has become known at JFS as the “Kitchen Kit Crew,” and we’ve come to depend on their generous and timely donations. We are so grateful for their ingenious and enterprising efforts on behalf of JFS!
If you or someone you know is interested in VOLUNTEERING with JFS, we URGENTLY need help sorting donated items in our storage space at our Springfield office. We also need help setting up apartments for newly arriving New Americans. Click here to learn about our volunteer opportunities, and to fill out a volunteer application.